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Biospirals Qigong UK

The Taiji Research Centre was established in Venice in 1993 by Master Franco Mescola to further his exploration of Taijiquan and Qigong. Through in-depth research which harmonises these thousand-year old traditions with the exciting developments in Western science the Metodo Biospirali® was born.


The Method comprises a series of meditations, breathing exercises and sequences based on the spiralling movements of energy in nature. The practice strengthens our vital energy thus bringing the mind and body into a state of natural harmony; promoting well-being and longevity.


Since the mid 90’s, Metodo Biospirali® has gradually been introduced to the UK.  In 2014, on Master Mescola’s passing, he handed down a legacy of life-enhancing tools which the Metodo Biospirali® School, under the umbrella of the Taiji Research Center Italy, continues to develop and share today.


Gillian Reid

In 1992 Gillian Reid  became a direct student of Master Franco Mescola, founder of the Taiji Research Centre - Italy and creator of the Biospirals Method Qigong. 


Over the years Gillian has dedicated her heart and soul to the practices of Qigong, the Biospirals Method and Taijiquan in its many aspects.  She currently teach freelance as a senior instructor.


Since 2010 she has embraced the knowledge and inspiration of Grandmaster Mantak Chia during his world tours and at his school in Tao Garden, Thailand. In 2018 she graduated as a Universal Healing Tao Associate Instructor and later as a Certified Instructor. Gillian now offer workshops and training in the Universal Healing Tao practices, Biospirals Method Qigong and Tao Chi Junior for children and instructors.


In 2016 Gillian expanded the practice in Europe with numerous seminars and, together with her UK student Debbie Heaney, formed the Metodo Biospirali® Training School UK. The school offers instructor training and certification for current students, as well as masterclasses for advanced levels. 


In 2018, Debbie Heaney, Celia Mendizabal and Caroline Williams became the first instructors of the Metodo Biospirali®of Qigong in the UK, accredited by the Centro Ricerche Tai Chi (Italy) and The Biospirali® School UK. Together they have now founded Biospirals Qigong UK, offering a variety of classes, workshops and events. All three are registered and insured through the Tai Chi Union of Great Britain. Gillian Reid visits the UK on a regular basis to offer workshops and masterclasses.


For more information about workshops and events by Gillian Reid please visit:


The Biospirals®Method
- Metodo Biospirali®-

The Biospirals® Method is the result of long, patient work which begun in 1984, Venice/Italy, by Master Franco Mescola, founder of Il Centro Ricerche Tai Chi (the Taiji Research Centre) and creator of the Method. Franco Mescola began studying external martial arts in the 1960’s with Master Luciano Padoan and Murakami.


Subsequently he was instructed by Master Hiroshi Shirai, and Master Chang Dsu Yao to whom he became a disciple. In 1985, with the permission of Master Chang Dsu Yao he formed the Taiji Research Centre where he directed and taught the instructor training programme. He travelled extensively to study further in Africa and Asia, practicing with great masters. The study of Qigong led him to experiment, and in doing so he created The Biospirals® Method, for which he formed a training school and published the book "Il Metodo Biospirali ®– I principi e la pratica del Tai Chi e del Chi Kung delle spirali", translated and released in English in 2019.


Master Franco Mescola has achieved the rare feat of being able to combine an understanding of the teachings of ancient masters with the ever-growing modern scientific understanding of energy and presents the theory in accessible, easy-to-understand terms.

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Master Franco Mescola


The practice of Biospirals® Method of Qigong consists of a series of mental and physical exercises aimed at recognising that opposites form a whole, and at understanding and experiencing their interdependent relationship. The Biospirals® Method is an adaptation of the methods used by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), in particular Qigong. The term 'Qigong' applies to all disciplines, methods and arts that focus on the development of life energy. The aim of the different systems depends on the environments in which the art was developed.The Biospirals® Method of Qigong makes use of images, breathing and movements inspired by the shape that represents the intelligence of the cosmos: the spiral. The spirals follow two concentric paths in and around the body; the two paths turn at different distances, sometimes intersecting, and wind themselves around the axis of the body. When the external spiral descends, the internal one rises and vice versa. 


The Method is divided into three sequences corresponding with three levels of difficulty, plus a fourth sequence for the advanced. The exercises are performed focusing more on the flow of internal energy than on muscular strength.  The Empty Step is practiced in order to reacquire the awareness of static and voluntary muscular systems and to achieve new harmonic equilibrium between them.


The benefits of this work are particularly noticeable in the bone structure, joints, muscle-tendon system, fascia-connective system and, most of all, the energetic system. Perseverance on a regular basis is fundamental in order to reach a good level of harmonious physical, mental and emotional balance or experience a higher level of spirituality. Slow repetition of the movements brings one to a state of deep calm which, excluding the central nervous system allows the body and mind to free itself of the negative effects accumulated by excessive stress. The Method is accessible to all ages and levels of physical ability. 




Exhibition by The Taiji Research Centre in Venice, Italy

Debbie Heaney

Debbie has practiced Tai Chi and Qigong since 2001 and has been teaching since 2008. Alongside her teaching Debbie is a Shiatsu therapist and finds that the combination of Tai Chi, Qigong and Shiatsu equips her to help students and clients to optimise their own health and well-being.


Debbie was originally attracted to Tai Chi because she found it was one of the few things in the middle of a hectic week which calmed her mind and helped her feel more grounded.

Debbie trained for many years with Sue Woodd, and has also attended workshops with Tew Bunnag, Master Faye Yip and Master Franco Mescola. 


As well as her regular classes Debbie teaches for the Farnham U3A group and works with Oakleaf – a local mental health charity.


More about Debbie:

Caroline Williams

Caroline began learning martial arts in 1992 studying Kung Fu then attaining her black belt in Tae Kwon Do with Grandmaster Rhee Ki Ha in 2005. 


She has spent over 20 years exploring and practising the internal energy arts including Qigong, Tai Chi Chuan, Neigong, Yoga, Qigong Energy Healing & Reiki. 


Caroline is a certified RP Qigong Energy Healer and Usui Ryoho Reiki Practitioner and Level 3 Teacher


As an accredited mindfulness coach, Caroline likes to combine the principles of mindfulness together with the gentle, spiralling movements and internal practices of Biospirals Qigong. 


Using movement, static and sonic Qigong and gentle breathwork to enable people to softly release the acquired layers of stress, tension and trauma that become stored within the body. These often manifest as repetitive patterns of behaviour, physical or mental-emotional symptoms or chronic pain.


Caroline has created The New Moon Awakens which focuses on women's uterine and menstrual health and physical and emotional well-being. The methods are simple to learn and are open to all women from menarche to post-menopause. 


More about Caroline: Internity & The New Moon Awakens

Celia Mendizabal

Celia Mendizabal has more than thirty years of experience as a performer. She is the co-founder and the artistic director of the acrobatic theatre company Circle of Two, which has been touring internationally for twenty years.


Celia holds a BA (Hons.) in Theatre Practice (Circus) and she received and MA in Theatre Studies in 2013 from the University of Surrey. Celia has always had an interest in movement and she has experience in a wide variety of physical and embodiment practices, including yoga, pilates, butoh dance and aikido.


Since 2012, Celia practices different forms of Taiji and Qigong. She was one of the first students in the UK to become an accredited instructor of the Biospirals Method of Qigong. The practice of Qigong allows a somatic approach to movement, harmonising the visible and invisible systems and structures of the body. Celia is currently working on the development of a methodology in which the practice of Qigong, and the Biospirals Method in particular, can be used as an expressive and creative tool for performance. 


More about Celia:



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